Welcome to Belmont Presbyterian Church
Welcome! We would be delighted if you would like to join us for worship on Sunday either in person, via our livestream on our Youtube channel (Belmont Presbyterian Church, Belfast) or via our telephone service ‘Speak O Lord’ on 028 96928944
The Rev William Harkness is the minister here. He can be contacted on 07841 436808 or by email at wharkness@presbyterianireland.org
The Church office is open weekday mornings and can be contacted by phone on 02890652572 or by email at office@belmontpresbyterian.com.
May the Lord bless you and keep you all at this time.
Chris Steele (Clerk of Session)
We hope as you browse through our website you will find something that may be of interest to you. Belmont Presbyterian is situated in the East Side of Belfast, Northern Ireland, an area popular with young families and retirees. We are a multi-generational congregation, and have a rich history stretching back to 1862, and Belmont is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, which grew out of the 17th Century Plantation of Ulster. Read more . . .
Belmont Presbyterian Church Weekly Schedule
- Belmont Tots – 10.00 am (term time)
- Coffee & Catch Up – 10.30 am
- Guides – 7:00pm (restarting September)
- Presbyterian Women – 7.30 pm -(restarting September)
- Lunch Club (October to April) – 12:30pm – (closed until further notice)
- Congregational Prayer Time (first Wed of the month)
- Cubs – 7:00pm
- Squirrels – 6:00pm -(closed until further notice)
- Beavers – 7:00pm – (MacDermott Hall)
- Heart & Soul – 7:30pm
- Scouts – 8:00pm (MacDermott Hall)
Film Club – (dates vary) 7:30pm
- Zumba 10.00 am – (opening May)
- The Lighthouse Youthclub – 7:00pm – Alternate Saturdays
- Morning Service 10:30am
- Various youth activities (see youth and children’s section)